Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Tips for Filling Out Commerical Water Damage Claims

People passing by floody street 
Photo by jonathan Ford on Unsplash
Respected litigator Anastacio ‘Trae’ Mindiola founded the Mindiola Law Firm in 2011. As an attorney at law, Anastacio Mindiola handles disputes involving denied or undervalued insurance claims for water damage to commercial properties. 

Business owners take out water damage policies to protect themselves against costly repairs and income loss. Even after years of making faithful premium payments, business owners can still be denied claims. In addition to working with a qualified insurance claims attorney, policyholders should consider the following precautions. 

Mitigate Damage - Once the source of the water damage has been identified, business owners must take all necessary steps to prevent the damage from spreading. However, owners must strike a balance between preventing further damage and incurring repair costs that may or may not be reimbursed. 

Document the Damage - It is crucial to collect as much evidence as possible to substantiate the claim. Policyholders should refrain from throwing out water-logged items and take photos and videos of the damaged area. 

Hire Professionals - Filing a claim and repairing water damage requires the input of several professionals, including plumbers, restoration specialists, and public adjusters. While some insurance companies may encourage policyholders to use their vendors, business owners are better off contracting with independent professionals.